• Silver Leaf
    Fine Silver
    Unique Piece
  • Silver Leaf
    Fine Silver
    Unique Piece
  • Plant study, 2014
    Seed, Hand sketch
  • Plant study, 2014
  • Plant study, 2014
    Fruits, Hand sketch
  • Plant study, 2014
  • Plant study, 2014
    Flower bud
    Hand sketch
  • Plant study, 2014
  • Plant study, 2014
  • Plant study, 2014


Intrigued by the interesting shapes of plants, seeds and herbs since childhood I developed a lifetime habit of observing and admiring them anywhere I go. Having a biologist mother greatly promoted my interest in the field of botany since childhood. During my undergraduate study of Design Arts in Concordia University, I had the chance to take a summer course in Field Botany offered by McGill University for the extra curriculum credits. For two weeks the team of ten students and one professor lived in a wooden cabin in a conservation park located outside Montreal city. For 12 days we trailed over countless paths in the mountain exploring and learning over 200 wild plants and flowers of the region. The experience deeply touched and inspired me, same with the countless adventures I did with my family or alone in the woods, parks or mountains of Asia, South America, Canada and Europe during the past. Trees has a magical power over me and whenever I feel uneasy or restless I’d lie alone under the trees of a nearby park or on a hill and feel the healing power of the soil and the tree roots under it, penetrating my body like a radiating energy, lifting all my sorrow and pain away, leaving only a sense of serenity and peace.

When I got the chance of working with silver the first thing I made were these intriguing little fine silver leaves. They are not functional objects since they are too thin and fragile to be wearable. They are a reminder of what I love in this world and that happiness could come from very simple things in life.

Fine silver, sterling silver and enamel. Unique pieces.

The making of Botanica collection
